Asana Basics | The Sun Salutations | January 29th at 12-3pm
Taught by Mikki Trowbridge
Our opening workshop explores the connection and relationship of breath and movement, utilizing the traditional surya namaskar (sun salutation) sequences as a foundation for exploration. Each of the poses in the surya namaskar sequences will be broken down for understanding and familiarity, including some of our most foundational postures like downward facing dog, cobra, plank, low and crescent lunge, warrior 1 and more. In addition to individual postures, we will also explore the transitions between shapes that give these sequences clarity and connection. The sun salutations are the base of our modern day vinyasa practice - understanding the postures, breath and movement of these sequences, creates a base of familiarity for any flow class.
$40 per person (Resonance members don't forget to use your 20% off code at checkout)
This is part of our Roots of Practice Series
A year-long series of workshops that build a foundation of deeper understanding for the layers and the limbs of yoga. Join for one workshop or join for them all.
Sign up for the full series and get 12 workshops for the price of 9.