In-person spots are FULL. There are still a few virtual spots available.
Join Mikki & Chantal at our Resonance Yoga Collective studio every Sunday of February for an introduction to yoga series that explores this multi-faceted practice with a beginner’s mind. Maybe you’ve practiced yoga postures or explored the eight limbs of yoga before, maybe you haven’t. Regardless, this series is for everyone who is open and curious to learn more about this practice.
What we’ll cover in this series:
Introduction to the Yoga Sutras
Eight limbs of yoga
Yamas & Niyamas of Yoga
Meditation exploration/practice
Pranayama (breathing) & Asana (posture) practice
Mikki Trowbridge & Chantal Barton will be co-teaching this series that takes us on a journey of understanding within our yoga practice, both on and off the mat. This series is offered in-person and virtually, and we are asking students to commit to all four Sundays.
Sundays from 11:30am-1pm: Feb 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
Sliding scale: $60-90 per person
Pricing includes the four Sunday gatherings & one drop-in yoga class per week.
*Space is limited to 10 in-person participants & 10 virtual participants.