Asana Basics | Balancing & Seated Postures | April 30th at 12-3pm
Taught by Mikki
Continuing our journey into understanding the asana (postures) of yoga, this workshop explores where our stability comes from as we take a closer look at some of the most common standing balance postures and seated forward folds. We approach these postures in this workshop with the inquiry of what is stabilizing in this shape, and what is releasing? We incorporate a look at the anatomy of the pelvis and the spine, understanding how the two move in relationship to each other, and how we can take care of our low backs in seated forward fold through the use of props and modifications.
$40 per person (Resonance members don't forget to use your 20% off code at checkout)
Roots of Practice Series
A year-long series of workshops that build a foundation of deeper understanding for the layers and the limbs of yoga. Join for one workshop or join for them all.